Hello! If you have reached this page because you are as lost as I was at first, don’t worry or get bogged down, our mission is to help you have the best possible experience. At LaTiendaDelYoYo, we have prepared this guide for beginners who are looking for their first Yo-Yo but can’t find what they want or everything seems too complex. You'll see that everything is easier than it seems. Before you buy, please read this little guide before buying to make sure that you’re completely satisfied with your purchase.
The world of 'yoyoing' includes much more literature than what we’ll show here, but the goal is not to go into minute detail taking hundreds of pages, but to provide an initial knowledge so you can discover this entertaining hobby with a small knowledge base and you can then expand your knowledge at your own pace and according to your passion. Let’s begin.
Are you new to Yo-Yo?
Surely you have already seen several models on our website that you liked but don’t know which is the most suitable for you. Do not worry, this is 95% of customers who want to buy their first Yo-Yo, and not to mention the great abundance of products, blogs and forums that sometimes confuse your intentions and make you end up buying the wrong Yo-Yo. But then, where do we begin?
From our great experience in this world, we would like to share with you some tips that are very useful.
If you want to buy your first professional Yo-Yo, you're probably familiar with the traditional Yo-Yo, where you only need a Yo-Yo and a string to get it to go up and down, but now things have changed a lot. We must understand new terms so that instead of increasing our headache, let's enjoy what we like.
The first thing you should know is that now, we distinguish between 'Responsive YoYos and Unresponsive YoYos'. Here is a fast version. 'Responsive Yo-Yos' come up with a little tug, just like traditional Yo-Yos, while 'Unresponsive Yo-Yos' do not come back to the hand with a jerk, you have to do a 'Bind' to get it back. Find more information by clicking on the link.
Once you know this, to start throwing our Yo-Yo the second thing you need is a good string that doesn’t hurt your finger, so we recommend you always buy a small package with 10 strings made of polyester so you can replace the string whenever you need to. Everything you need to know about YoYo strings can be found by clicking on the link.
The third thing you need to know is to always take care of your Yo-Yo so that it lasts as long as possible. The YoYo is not invincible, if it receives many blows of great magnitude or someone uses it who doesn’t know how, in the end it will be broken, and that is the last thing we want. There is one small thing that you should also know, and it is about the 'epicenter' of Yo-Yo, the bearing. The bearing is the key piece of the professional YoYo. Without a bearing Yo-Yo will not spin, and if the bearing is in poor condition, you can surely imagine the result... Your Yo-Yo will not spin. Everything you want to know about Yo-Yo bearings you can find by clicking on the link.
And finally, the fourth step is to start playing with your Yo-Yo. It doesn’t matter if you choose a ‘Responsive' or an ‘Unresponsive’ YoYo, what you need is to learn a good throw so your Yo-Yo can have good spinning speed. Then you will learn tricks progressively until you perfectly control the technique.
As usual, if you have doubts when browsing the web or about certain products or terms, write us at info@latiendadelyoyo.com