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Introducing the new First Class premium string from Kitty String.100% Polyester.
Pack of 100 or 10 Yo-Yo String Kitty String brand, type NORMAL 100% Polyester.
Pack of 100 or 10 Kitty String Yo-Yo strings. Type FAT (12 threads) and 100% Polyester.
The fattest Kitty Strings we have seen yet have just arrived at LaTienda. So get ready to give them a very warm welcome.
Well of course...The new Kitty XXL’s also come in packs of 100 for the strongest of the bunch.
Pack of 100 Kitty String Yo-Yo strings. Type FAT (12 threads) and 100% Polyester.
Pack of 100 Kitty String Yo-Yo strings. Type TALL FAT (12 threads) and 100% Polyester.
Pack of 100 Kitty String Yo-Yo strings Type TALL and 100% Polyester.