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If you are here it’s because you have a limited budget to buy your new Yo-Yo and you want to make a safe purchase. Don’t move from this page. Keep reading!
CLYW again makes history. Learn why this is their second bi-metal Yo-Yo. The CLYW Igloo.
This is the last thing you expected from CLYW, I'm sure, and this is the first thing you want from CLYW, I'm sure too.
If you were thinking it was a time for a change in the Borealis, you can stop thinking because… CLYW is one step ahead of you! Meet the New CLYW Borealis.
If you were looking at the photos and thinking that you were seeing a Chief but the title said otherwise, keep reading. I want you to meet the new Pickaxe from CLYW.
CLYW brings a new Yo-Yo with improved stability and better spin times, the Compass.
The Yeti is back on headlines of the most popular Yoyoing forums of the World! But not the Yeti you think are thinking of, the brand new Metal Yeti, much more powerful than you expect. No...
At last we have in our hands the new Bi-Metal creation of CLYW, I'm talking about Kodiak, the first Signature of Tessa Piccillo as an official member of the CLYW team.
Everything that goes up, comes back down, or at least it should. Anyways, let’s get to the meat here, CLYW and Andrew Maider have combined forces yet again with the Snow Lzzard.
Even if you are on this page because you were dying to feel closer to this brand new Akita, or because you felt in love with its design or whatever other reason you don’t want to share,...
The CLYW Big Dipper is the option that is more financially efficient, manufactured in plastic, and still has qualities of some of the best metal Yo-Yos made by CLYW!
At last! The signature of Riccardo Fraolini is ready to start spinning. Discover the CLYW Manatee.
There is nothing better in life than to have your CLYW Yo-Yo for the first day.
The forecasts have been fulfilled. CLYW has delivered the goods. The Yeti 2.0 is the newest member in the family of plastic Super-YoYos at a very affordable price.
Wait a moment ... Is this just another Kit or is it the Kit of a very special Yo-Yo? Your first question is wrong and your second is you guessed it, right.